In the eternal culture war, folks on the right claim that post-modern neo-Marxist college professors are indoctrinating the youth. Some have a more moderate view, seeing professors as merely being excessively liberal and indoctrinating the youth in liberal dogma. While I am confident the academy is not ruled by Marxists, there are still interesting questions about the extent of Marxism on campuses, the degree to which liberals dominate the academy and whether professors indoctrinate their students.

It is true that there are Marxist professors. I have even met some. In some cases, they do seem to understand Marxism and its implications, at least to the degree that anyone understands a philosophical theory. These folks are often political science or philosophy professors. I have also encountered professors who seem to think they are Marxists, but do not seem to understand Marxism. For example, at a conference I met a professor who claimed to be a Marxist, but also accepted free will and metaphysical dualism. Real Marxists are metaphysical materialists and embrace economic determinism. Fortunately, Marxists are rare even in the social sciences and humanities. As such, the idea that the academy is ruled by Marxists is not true. While there is a non-zero number of Marxist professors who preach rather than teach, I do have complete sympathy for students who get caught up in that nightmare.

Professors do tend to be politically liberal and it has been claimed they are becoming more liberal. From my own experiences, I have extensive anecdotal evidence that professors tend to be liberal. As to why they are becoming more liberal, this is often a matter of relativity because the political right in America has moved to the far right. Relative to the Trump administration, Reagan and Bush would be liberals.

That professors tend to be liberal is no more surprising than corporate executives tending to be more conservative. However, there is a reasonable concern that the academy is dominated by the left rather than representing the ideological diversity of the country. Ironically, consistent conservatives would oppose affirmative action or diversity initiatives aimed at recruiting more conservative faculty. However, they could still earn degrees or encourage other conservatives and increase the number of conservatives in academics. It would be a positive thing to have more conservative intellectuals in the academy (and in general). After all, ideology without opposition leads to a multitude of sins, such as intellectual laziness.

While the alleged liberal domination of the academy is a matter for concern, there is also the question of whether students are being indoctrinated in leftist ideology. I am careful to teach without pushing my own ideology. For example, in my ethics class I do not try to convert the students to virtue theory, they get the tools of moral reasoning as well as information about a range of moral theories. But, of course, I am but one professor and my example is mere anecdotal evidence. My not being a leftist indoctrinator no more proves that indoctrination isn’t taking place than a single example of a Marxist professor would prove that Marxism rules the academy.

As would be expected, there are researchers who argue that the academy does not indoctrinate students and that college does not make people more liberal. It could be contended that they are biased because they are liberals. This is a fair point: liberals defending the academy are biased, just as conservatives attacking the academy are biased. This does not entail that the liberals are wrong or that their arguments are flawed—to think otherwise would be to fall victim to an ad hominem: while bias provides grounds for suspicion, it does not disprove a claim. After all, the same sort of bad reasoning could be applied to the conservatives who claim that the academy indoctrinates students to be liberals; as conservatives, they would tend to be biased against liberals.

This question is an empirical one: researchers can comb through a representative sample of syllabi, PowerPoint slides, course notes, and recordings of lectures to find the relevant evidence for or against the claim of indoctrination. This research would need to meet the usual standards of a proper inductive generalization: the sample would need to be large enough and representative enough to provide strong support for the conclusion. Because of this, anecdotal evidence of crazed Marxist professors or professors who teach in a fair and balanced manner do not suffice as adequate evidence. This fallacy involves taking an anecdote as evidence for a general claim. Samples that are too small would result in the fallacy of hasty generalization and biased samples would result in the fallacy of biased generalization.

As would be expected, both conservatives and liberals can be tempted to use anecdotes, excessively small samples and biased samples to “support” their view. I am certainly open to the results of a properly conducted, large scale study of the academy; this is something that could be conducted in good faith by a bipartisan team of researchers. I am sure that there are some professors who try to indoctrinate their students. This would be of concern, but there seems to be no objective evidence that this is a general problem. After all, as folks on the right like to say about the police, we shouldn’t draw an inference from a few “bad apples.”

Even if some professors try to indoctrinate their students, there is also the question of whether they are likely to succeed. Having observed many professors across numerous institutions, such efforts would usually fail. As the joke goes, we have a difficult time getting students to even read the syllabus. Transforming them into deranged Marxists or even getting them to be slightly more liberal is unlikely. This is not to say that professors have no influence nor to deny that there are professors like Jordan Peterson who can sway people. But such charismatic corrupters are obviously quite rare and would be more likely to pursue other, more lucrative careers. Like Jordan Peterson did.

But even if professors fail to indoctrinate their students, it can be argued that they are wasting class time trying to preach rather than teach. This is a fair point. While off-topic discussions can be some of the best learning experiences, a professor spending class time pushing their ideology rather than teaching is a disservice to the students. Of course, professors rambling about fishing stories, D&D, stamp collecting, or their favorite movies also waste students’ time.

That said, it could be argued that professing does have a legitimate role in the classroom—if it has pedagogical value. Even if it does have some value, there is also the worry that by pushing a specific ideology, the professor will mislead the students about the merits or demerits of specific views.  This all ties into the classic problem of the proper role of a professor—although the ideal often advanced today is that of a conveyor of information and skills to prepare the job fillers for their existence as workers.