A Philosopher’s View of the World
Can Trees Think?
While science fiction has intelligent trees and fantasy has its ents and dryads, the idea of trees thinking has often been used to mock philosophers. But scientists now seriously
Executing Drug Dealers
Back in 2018, President Trump proposed executing certain types of drug dealers as a solution to the opioid epidemic. As Trump remains Trump, it is likely he will make
FAMU Cyber Policy Institute Healthcare Cybersecurity Survey
My name is Dr. Michael LaBossiere, and I am reaching out to you on behalf of the CyberPolicy Institute at Florida A&M University (FAMU). Our team of professors, who are
Aristotle & Assessment in Higher Education
While assessment is embedded into the body of education, when it first appeared I thought it would be another fading academic. When it first appeared, a modified version of
Crisis Actors & School Shootings
When the survivors of the Parkland school shooting started speaking against gun violence, conspiracy theorists launched the theory that they were crisis actors. In this context, a crisis actor
False Flags
People try to make sense of events by weaving narratives matching their world views. One awful example of this is when people claim school shootings are false flag attacks. In
Public Unions & Dues II: Free Riders
Proponents of unions advance the classic free-rider argument for compelling non-union employees to share in the cost of collective bargaining. Public unions are usually legally required to provide services to
Public Unions & Dues I: Free Speech
While public employees are usually not required to join unions, they are often required to help cover the cost of collective bargaining. While the legal issue will be settled
Recent Comments
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