Back in 2018, President Trump proposed executing certain types of drug dealers as a solution to the opioid epidemic. As Trump remains Trump, it is likely he will make a similar proposal when he returns to the White House. But this does raise the issue of whether executing drug dealers is a good way to address drug addiction. Put crudely, can the United States kill its way out of this problem.
From a practical standpoint, a key question is whether executing drug dealers would reduce drug addiction in America. It will, of course, be assumed that the CEOs of pharmaceutical companies manufacturing and distributing opioids will not be executed. For those interested in a career in drug dealing, the best option is to get congress to legalize your dealing. The second best is to run your drug dealing as part of the legal business of your large corporation. This way you will probably never do any time no matter how much you do crime. At worst, you’ll be forced to pay a percentage of your profits in a negotiated settlement.
Intuitively, execution could impact addiction. As a great philosopher once said, “if you kill someone for doing something, they won’t do that again.” Killing drug dealers would reduce their numbers and could reduce the extent of drug addiction in America. This would require killing new dealers if they stepped in to replace the dead ones, but this is a practical problem in the logistics of killing.
There is also the deterrence factor. On the face of it, one might believe the threat of execution would deter people from dealing drugs. This assumes drug dealers are suitably rational actors, and their calculation of the risks and benefits will guide them to stop dealing. This would also assume that they have better options available. Alternatively, it could be argued that fear of execution would suffice to deter them. People do fear death and try to avoid it. As such, one could conclude that we could kill our way out of this problem. However, we do not need to rely on speculative arguments about how potential drug dealers might respond to threats of execution. We can look at the data about the effectiveness of the threat execution as a deterrent.
We have extensive data about the death penalty, thanks to America’s enthusiasm for killing people. The evidence is that it is not an effective deterrence, which runs contrary to what intuitions about death and threats of death would suggest. So, it seems unlikely that we can kill our way out of this problem. In addition to the practical issue of whether this approach would work, there is the moral question about its ethics.
On the face of it, the moral issue has been settled by the practical issue: if the death penalty would not deter drug dealers, then the deterrence argument does not morally justify executing them. However, the retribution argument remains: killing drug dealers could be morally justified as retribution for their crimes.
On the one hand, this does have some appeal. Drug use does result in some deaths, and some of the blame for some deaths can be placed drug dealers. If a business knowingly provides a dangerous product to customers, then they are morally accountable for at least some of the harms. This is true in the case of legal products, such as tobacco and prescription opioids, and especially true for products that are illegal because they are harmful, such as illegally trafficked opioids.
While drug dealers do deserve punishment for distributing harmful products (such as tainted drugs), the punishment must fit the principle of proportionality: the punishment must be warranted by the severity of the harm done in the crime.
A drug dealer that intentionally sold contaminated products that killed users would be directly responsible for those deaths. The same would apply to a company that knowingly sold fatally flawed legal products that killed people, such as defective cars. Obviously, the criminal could face legal consequences for their crimes, but from the moral perspective, the legality of the actions is not the primary concern. It would be causing death that matters morally. It would be these case that would most plausibly merit execution, on the principle that the punishment (death) should match the crime (causing death). However, selling someone a fatally defective product is morally distinct from directly killing them, such as by stabbing them to death. As such, executing those who knowingly sell defective products that could cause death would raise moral concerns.
Drug dealers probably do not intentionally sell defective products to kill their customers, if only because they want repeat business. But illegal drugs are often harmful, and this is morally relevant. The harms of illegal drugs can be numerous, ranging from health issues to death by overdose. Many legal products, such as alcohol and tobacco, are also harmful. As such, the question is whether it is morally acceptable to execute someone for providing a harmful product that can potentially kill the user. Once again, the legal issue is distinct from the moral—after all, all any drug could be legalized tomorrow, but this would not change the basic moral concern. The easy and obvious answer is that while knowingly selling harmful products is wrong, this level of wrongness does not merit execution. As such, killing drug dealers for dealing drugs would be no more ethical than killing the owners of Heineken or R.J. Reynolds for distributing legal products that cause significant health issues and contribute to the ruin of many lives.
Midwit propaganda for the status quo sycophants
That is a well crafted piece of rhetoric!
Dr LaBossiere, nah, not even that. You are greatly overrating it. It’s just a piece of very common and mediocre sophistry disguised as an argument, just the thing Mr Trump is known for (example: he calls anything negative being said about him ‘witchhunt’, ’scum’ etc, and that’s that.). As you know only too well, only mediocre minds state a conclusion without giving any premises, facts or evidence. The reason is very clear: they don’t have the intellect for it.
Kind regards,
A fan.
I do like the rhythm and the tone; it reminds me a bit of “You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!”
And I certainly appreciate getting fresh examples for my class; as you noted it is a simple ad hominem and whatever power it has it derives from the psychological rather than logical.
Dr LaBossiere,
I agree, my rhythm and tone is like you described: this is no doubt influenced by my reading the older philosophers, who generally used such a tone, which was generally more brutal than used today
I guess it indicated a dislike for people who don’t want to think or learn anything, and who overrate their intelligence. If you approved of anything I said, I thank you: it encourages me to learn more and it comforts me in thinking that I might not be a complete fool after all. I always find your essays interesting precisely because they strengthen the powers of argumentation and debate, and because you take on so many subjects.
I mean, to me it’s a no brainer: if one wants to get smarter, he should listen to what smarter people than him have to say, and they aren’t found on Facebook.
I love this quote by Bertrand Russell: ‘Stupid people are cocksure; intelligent people are full of doubts.’.
Kind regards,
A fan.
PS. for anyone else who thinks Dr LaBossiere could be accused all the same of giving a conclusion without stating any facts with his ‘This is a well crafted piece of rethoric’, in this case, I think 1. he already amply made his argument in his post, and this was not demonstrated to be false, as the attack is a simple ad hominem, and 2. a quick and lazy statement deserves a quick and equally lazy reply.
The big difference is that ‘Trump’ acts from intellectual limitations, and Dr LaBossiere from choice. And what a difference.