This essay continues the discussion of the logic of conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theorists use the same logical tools as everyone else, but they use them in different ways. In the previous essay I discussed how conspiracy theorists use the argument from authority. I will now look at the analogical argument.
In an analogical argument you conclude that two things are alike in a certain respect because they are alike in other respects. An analogical argument usually has three premises and a conclusion. The first two premises establish the analogy by showing that the things (X and Y) being compared are similar in certain respects (properties P, Q, R, etc.). The third premise establishes that X has an additional property, Z. The conclusion asserts that Y has property Z as well. The form looks like this:
Premise 1: X has properties P,Q, and R.
Premise 2: Y has properties P,Q, and R.
Premise 3: X has property Z.
Conclusion: Y has property Z.
While one might wonder how reasoning by analogy could lead to accepting a conspiracy theory, it works very well in this role. If property Z is a feature of a conspiracy theory, such as the government harming citizens, then all that is needed to make the argument is something else with that property. Then it is easy to draw the analogy.
For example, consider an anti-vaxxer who thinks there is a conspiracy to convince people that the unsafe vaccines are safe. They could make an analogical argument comparing vaccines to what happened during the opioid epidemic. This epidemic was caused by pharmaceutical companies lying about the danger of opioids, doctors being bribed to prescribe them, pharmacies going along with the prescriptions, and the state allowing it all to happen. Looked at this way, concluding that what was true of opioids is also true of vaccines can seem reasonable. Yet, the conspiracy theory about vaccines is mistaken. So, how does one sort assess this reasoning and what mistakes do conspiracy theorists make? The answer is that there are three standards for assessing the analogical argument and conspiracy theorists don’t apply them correctly.
First, the more properties X and Y have in common, the better the argument. The more two things are alike in other ways, the more likely it is that they will be alike in a specific way. In the case of vaccines and opioids, there are many shared similarities; for example, both involve companies, doctors, pharmacies and the state.
Second, the more relevant the shared properties are to property Z, the stronger the argument. A specific property, for example P, is relevant to property Z if the presence or absence of P affects the likelihood that Z will be present. Third, it must be determined whether X and Y have relevant dissimilarities as well as similarities. The more dissimilarities and the more relevant they are, the weaker the argument.
In the case of inferring an unreal conspiracy to sell dangerous vaccines from the very real opioid conspiracy one must weigh the similarities and differences. While there are clearly relevant similarities, there are some crucial differences. Most importantly, vaccines have been extensively tested and are known to be safe. In contrast, all the scientific evidence supports common sense: opioids are addictive and potentially dangerous. While people want to make money off both, this does not entail that vaccines are not safe, even though opioids are dangerous. While the analogy between the opioid conspiracy and the vaccine conspiracy breaks down; there is nothing wrong with reasoning by analogy. If the standards are applied and relevant differences are considered, this method of reasoning is quite useful.
It is rational for conspiracy theorists to consider real cases of wrongdoing. For example, we know that governments do engage in false flag operations or lie to “justify” wars and violence. But this fact does not prove, by itself, that any specific event is a false flag or a lie. As such, the mistake make by conspiracy theorists is not arguing by analogy, but in not being careful enough in applying the standards. So they commit the fallacy of false analogy.
How about that new Secretary of Health and Human Services, anyway? WHAT happened to him? His father and uncle were decent men. They got in front of assassin’s bullets. That happened a lot, as I grew up… Maybe THAT is what happened to RFK, Jr. I can’t know. None of my known* ancestors were assassinated.
I cannot wear RFK’s shoes…
* A relative claimed family relation to William McKinley. I never got the straight of that, either… no matter.
The analog (analogical) argument:
I Like the old apples-to-oranges aphorism. It is quaint and comfortable. Yet, wait a minute. Apples, oranges, tomatoes, avocados and many others are fruits. The seeds are on the inside. Potatos are not fruit, because *eyes* erupt from the surface of the “vegetable”, enabling propagation. Green beans are, I think, the term is legumes. The casing and seeds are eaten—it is all nutrition, so long as consumers have no allergy to it. The lowly peanut is dangerous to some, due to the allergy factor. So it is tricky, in the sense we are not all botanists. And, I know zero about how peanuts reproduce…never talked with Jimmy Carter. I eat peanuts. They have not made me ill. Yet. Analogs of things ARE tricky. They may be dangerous, even deadly…whether they are food, or something else. So, any way you cut it, apples and oranges are related, due to their *fruitness*. Therefore, the aphorism is flawed. A dodge to reality. Yes, I held a degree in food science, once. Never did much with that. Too many analogs got in the way. Enjoy the pie, if you can. Cacao trees yield fruit. Seeds on the inside.
…trying harder to think better…
Analysis is a good thing. If time and effort are not expended, we can miss out on truths we ought or need to know. Even inconvenient ones. In years past, many believed the Viet Nam war was a lie. I too thought this was correct, but then, I had no good evidence supporting the belief. So, years have passed, the war ended, soldiers came home and tried to go on with their lives, with more or less success. Certainly, the war ended, but who won? I am not convinced of the United States’ prevalence in the conflict. That is not to claim that North Viet Nam won, either. All that combatant succeeded in doing was killing a number of Americans; losing some number of their own; and, compelling their opponent to withdraw from an unwinnable war. Is this one or another kind of analogical argument? I don’t know if that is right. Are living conditions any better, in a unified(?) Viet Nam? I don’t know if that answer should be yes, or, no. Did the US intervention gain anything tangible, and, if so, what might that be? No, I have not researched this. I am not working on a PhD. I have only stated or suggested as much as I think I know. Anyone interested in this could try to get more facts, figures and other evidence. I say, good luck with that.